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Zombie Shooter

Zombie Shooter is a 3D first person shooter where the objective is to fight and try and survive a horde of zombies. image.png

Weapon Shooting

Whenever the player shoots, a raycast will appear in front of the weapon. Once the raycast detects an enemy, it will deal damage to the zombies. There are also projectiles to show that the bullets are being fired from the gun. 

Player Animations

Whenever the player reloads their weapons, an animation will show the player removing a cartridge from the holster of the gun and replacing it with a new one. All of this was animated using Unity's animation tool.

Object Pickups

Whenever the player is near a health or ammo pickup, they will automatically refill to the max. The objects will then respawn after a few moments for when the player is running low on either health or ammo.

Player Movement

For the player movement, the WASD keys must be pressed down individually for different directions. Also the mouse must be moved so that the camera follows the player.

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